Wednesday, 28 September 2011

21st Century

21st Century

How has Rough Trade evolved in the 21st century?
Rough Trade decided to re-invent themselves and reshape the music landscape. Geoff teamed up with a former employee and musician from when Rough Trade started and they decided to start again but make sure that they do everything right and do it on the terms of the artist and there own. This meant that Rough Trade became a very serious company that wanted to give people the music that they want to hear and give artist the chance to share their music.

How are their working practices different to the music produced through programmes such as X-Factor?
They decided to make sure that they got the artist just right so when Duffy came along they decided to give her a development deal which meant that they would give her the resources she needed but they wanted her to go away and to experience the music the way she likes it and to find her own sound. When they were satisfied that she had found a unique sound to her own taste they produced her music. This is different from the X-Factor as they tell you what music ti sing and they do not give you the time to flourish in the music that you want to be associated with or make even.

What success have they had at this time?
At this time they decided to go ahead with Duffy's music and it all paid off as she went straight to number one in the charts. This was the biggest success that they had had since The Smiths and they knew that it was to do with their new work ethic and the way that they let the artist find what music they wanted to sing.

How has Rough Trade's ideology developed for the company int he present day?
From when they started they had a very laid back approach to the music industry which did not do them any justice. Whereas now they are able to take things slowly and produce music that is a massive hit whilst doing everything correctly.


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