When doing this questionnaire we do not have a main focus of younger audiences up to middle age, this is because we feel that these are the people that are more likely to listen to the music we are using; they are our target audience.
Song: Oh, So Quiet
Our Idea: For our music video we want to keep it fun and entertaining with lots of vibrant colours, we are using juxtapositioning as well so that we can combine the lyrics with the narrative. We want to use a calm atmosphere when the song goes quiet for example a shot of some empty stairs or some parachute men falling in slow motion then when it picks up again the shot of the stairs is intruded by lots of bouncy balls falling down and the parachute men get thrown off course harshly. By doing this we are adding colour and fun to the video but making sure we follow the beat of the music. We also want to use time lapse within the video and lots of colour, that is our main focus.
Male / Female (Please Circle)
Are you a student? Yes/No (Please Circle)
If not please state...................................................................................................................................
What age are you?
Which genre of music do you most prefer? (Please Circle)
Heavy Metal
Hip Hop
R 'n' B
Brit pop
If other please specify.............................................................................................................................
Who is your favorite band/singer?
What is the most recent music video you have watched?
Did you enjoy it if not why?
Are you interested in the idea that we have put across?
Yes/No (Please Circle)
If so do you think that it sits well with the music we our using?
Yes/No (Please Circle)
If not please Specify................................................................................................................................
Will you look out for this music video?
Yes/No (Please Circle)
If so would you consider downloading it?
Yes/No (Please/Circle)