Our Mood Board
This is an image of our mood board, it the whole thing whereas i have put close ups of some of the certain things on the mood board. The whole theme of this mood board is of a calming nature but with an edge.
This is the name of our group 'Anima' this is the latin word for 'Soul'. We decided that we wanted something that was not familiar and that we wanted something that would stand out. We chose to use latin instead of spanish or any other language because Latin is the oldest language and when we saw this word we knew that this is what we wanted to use as it shouts what we want it to shout for our band!
This is a close up of the pictures that we printed of Bjork and the type of thing we want to convey when doing our music video. The vibrant colours but the relaxing nature to which she has in these images. The image of the colourful balls is to show the type of thing that we want to do for when the beat of the song becomes very fast and moving, but we want to use paint bombs instead of balls, this will create a draw back as we need to make sure we can find the right place to do this in.
This is of the type of Juxtaposition we want to accomplish when making the video, the plain picture resembles the part of the song where it goes very quiet we want to reflect that within the micro features which includes costume and make up, then the vibrant section resembles the part of the song when it gets loud and we want once again the micro features to reflect this through costume and make up.
These are the lyrics we have printed off and we hope to annotate them with what we want to do with out music video at certain parts of the song so that it is broke down bit by bit. When this is done we will put an image of it onto our blogs.
This is of the brief and the ideas that we want for the music video all on the mood board clear as day so that there is no confusion.
Most of this information and more is on my post called '30/09/11 Journal'
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